This year the race ends in tragedy when Principal Gentry collapses at the finish line. The position of principal is now open, and the school board vows to find the perfect person to take the job. No one is greatly surprised when long-time football coach Brian Muhldinger is appointed to the position. He will run a tight ship and keep sports in the spotlight.
Not everyone is happy when Principal Muhldinger announces a new school rule. Every senior at Fremont High must participate in at least one complete sports season or they won't graduate. Jack Logan and his friends are not interested in sports, but what choice do they have.
Jack comes from a long line of football players. His father almost went pro except for a career ending knee injury in college. His two older brothers were part of the Fremont football winning tradition. Jack is offered a spot on the varsity team by the new principal, but he turns it down. His rejection of football starts a revolution that will flip the school's devotion to sports on its head.
Author David Klass takes a look at the overemphasis of sports in some of today's high schools, as well as the issue of bullying and its sometimes devastating consequences. Jack and his friends recognize the importance of a well-rounded education. It isn't all about sports, but rather a healthy mix of academics and extracurricular activities. Teens whose number one priority isn't on the athletic field will cheer on the losers in LOSERS TAKE ALL, and educators will also find satisfaction in a theme that focuses more on success in the classroom than achievements on the field.
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Best fictional Latin teacher in a very long time! Wait. Does that make this a fantasy book? My students are enjoying this one a lot.
This looks BRILLIANT, and kind of like a sibling of THE CHOCOLATE WAR or another one of those "and then we rebelled and fought the whole community" novels, which I love.
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