
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

An amazing Cyber Week of gift-giving for Ballou Sr High School Library!

Our hope for the Cyber Week book fair for Ballou Library was that 50 new books would be bought from the amazon wish list for this underfunded Washington DC school. After the annual book fair in late October (that kind of got lost in the election madness), we saw over 100 books head to the school which was fabulous but, as always, we here at Guys Lit Wire hoped for more. (Don't hate us for being greedy about books for school libraries. We will never tire of wanting more books for school libraries.)

But you guys - YOU GUYS! - we blew past our modest goal and saw more like 150 books go to DC during Cyber Week and it is so awesome!

So many generous people bought so many wonderful books for Ballou. Tons of graphic novels were sent, along with some excellent novels, some biographies, a cookbook, THREE DC Encyclopedias, (Yep, there was a contingent really waiting on those as you can see) and so much more. I could go on and on about how much the kids wanted these books and how excited they are to receive them.

Some folks even paid for gift wrapping the books which was just so kind; so incredibly kind. The students at Ballou will be out of school soon for winter break but now they head off to the holidays with, between the two book fair events, nearly 300 new books on the shelves of their library. We will certainly be working with Ballou's librarian, Melissa Jackson, in the new year to send more books to the school and hope you will help us again. A lot of things are happening in America right now and more than ever supporting our public schools is the job for everyone. Thank you for what you did for Ballou at the closing of the year.

 Thank you so very very much!

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