Tom Angleberger’s Fake
Mustache is quite possibly the weirdest book I’ve ever read. Or at the very
least, it’s in the top 10. I keep
thinking it’s what would happen if director Wes Anderson (Grand
Budapest Hotel; Moonrise Kingdom)
tried to rewrite Captain Underpants.
I love the Origami Yoda books because they’re funny and
quirky. Fake Mustache brings some of those same qualities to the page, but with
an added twist of surrealism that takes a minute to really appreciate. More importantly, the premise is so
unbelievable that it takes a willing suspension of disbelief to fully enjoy it.
But—if you can do that, then the book is a ridiculously wonderful treat full of
over-the-top slapstick humor, minor crudity, and wholesale brainwashing.
The plot is simple. A boy goes into the local novelty shop,
buys a fancy fake mustache, acquires a “man about town” suit, and takes over
the world while his best friend tries to stop the madness (and the mimes).
Add in one former teen-aged TV star, a foreigner who “sounds
like he might be French, but not quite” and a slightly demented novelty
inventor (booger guns, anyone?), and you have a completely ridiculous book
custom-made for a middle-school boy.
What’s not simple, and is even harder to define, is why it
just works as a book. Angleberger has a
gift for making completely unrealistic characters and situations believable and
oddly charming. At several points during
my reading, I would reread passages and wonder “huh. How did we get here?” then
keep going because the “how” wasn’t nearly so important as remembering where we
were and reading on to see where this thing was going next.
This book was so unexpected that I’m struggling to
articulate what did and didn’t work for me as a reader. I think it all comes
down to being willing to suspend belief in social and natural rules and just go
with it. Once I got into it, I really enjoyed it, but it took a couple of false
starts before I was in the right mental place to really “get” it.
Very cool review, this one just made my "to-read" list. Thanks for the tip!