Even if you think Iambic Pentameter is the name of an
Imperial Stormtrooper (and it totally should be), you will still enjoy William Shakespeare’s The Empire Striketh
Back, Ian Doescher’s second book in the Shakespearean Star Wars series. But
the true measure of your enjoyment can be gauged by this two-item quiz:
1) How do you respond to hearing Princess Leia refer to Hans
as “Thou who herd’st nerfs”?
A) Blank stare
B) Confusion about whether a “nerf” was a kind of Smurf
C) Wry chuckle
D) Nerdgasm
2) When Darth Vader says “…dead for a ducat, dead!”, do you
A) Think that you can never keep up with all of these
Internet cat memes?
B) Mentally try to convert ducats to dollars?
C) Remember Cypress Hill lyrics?
D) Cry out, “O, I am slain!”?
If, like me, your answer to both questions is D, then you
will enjoy The Empire Striketh Back
enough to finish it in one sitting, even if that sitting is on a school bus
traveling over roads filled with potholes so large they could only have been
made by AT-ATs. Or, in other words, the more background knowledge you have
about Shakespeare and Star Wars, the more you will appreciate Doescher’s many
textual references.
For me, the greatest pleasure comes not in how Doescher depicts the better-known characters (although he is quite creative in rendering
Yoda’s speech as suitably different than the rest of the characters), but
rather in how he presents the lesser characters: Wampas, Ugnaughts, the
aforementioned AT-ATs, and Boba Fett. I’m not sure who trained Doescher, but
the Force is strong in this one (and if that reference escapes you, this book
is not for you). I await future volumes, if only to see what Doescher does with
the conundrum that is Jar Jar Binks.
Let’s be honest: Did you somehow miss the publication of William Shakespeare’s Star Wars last
summer? If so, get thee to a nunnery bookstore, why wouldst thou be a
breeder of ignorance? Or, if you are nobler in the mind for having read the
first book, set your phasers to “pre-order,” as the latest volume is published
March 18. (I know, wrong science fiction universe, but who wouldn’t want to
hear Kirk and Spock declaim in Shakespearean verse?).
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