By the time I remembered to write about SYNC last summer, the first few sets of downloads had already elapsed. This year, though, I'm on top of things!
For those who aren't familiar with SYNC, it's a promotion sponsored by AudioFile magazine and audiobook publishers giving away free audiobook downloads. Each week, for twelve weeks, two different audiobooks are offered: one middle grade or young adult novel, and one classic. The books change every week and you do need to have special software, the Overdrive Media Console, installed on your computer or mobile device. But I did mention these audiobooks are free, right?
And the list of books to be given away is pretty awesome, including a couple of books that others have recommended here at Guys Lit Wire, Carter Finally Gets It and Frankenstein. Other books I'm planning to download? Rotters (I've heard it's got some rather graphically disgusting parts, but if I can handle Chelsea Cain and Mary Roach, I should be able to handle this, right?), Letter From Birmingham Jail, The False Prince, Grave Mercy, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and, well, take a look at the full SYNC schedule here. The first set of audiobooks will be available beginning May 30.
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