History, at least on the high school level, is often taught
as a series of dates and names to be memorized. But history comes alive in
stories, and often the most interesting stories are not those of the “great
men” whose names were choices on your ninth-grade American History test.
Paul Martin recognizes the value of stories in the telling
of history, and he tells thirty of them in Secret
Heroes: Everyday Americans Who Shaped Our World. Martin uses a tripartite
structure in the book, dividing it into three sections: Voyagers, Innovators,
and Humanitarians. Each hero’s story is eight to ten pages long, long enough to
provide necessary context but short enough to seem like an extended anecdote
rather than (gasp) a history text.
Not all of Martin’s “secret” heroes were unknown to me, but
most were. I enjoyed the book; Martin is an excellent storyteller, so that even
if the hero was not immediately interesting to me, Martin’s telling soon made
him/her so. Highlights for me included Hercules Mulligan, Irish tailor and spy
for General Washington’s forces during the Revolutionary War; Solomon Louis,
Choctaw Code Talker from World War I; and Gertrude Elion, pioneering female
scientist who eventually was awarded a (shared) Nobel Prize in Medicine.
My only complaint is that, within his three sections, heroes
are not presented chronologically. The jump from colonial era to
twentieth-century was a bit jarring for my tastes. Others may quarrel with
Martin’s political biases seeping through, particularly in the “Humanitarians” section—both
in his choices of heroes and his occasional editorializing about their
lives/deeds. But I like a voice and a stance in my writers, and writing history
without bias is either a) an exercise in hiding that bias or b) an exceedingly
dry litany of dates and names (see my introduction).
I am forever searching for nonfiction material both
appropriate for and appropriately challenging for high school students.
(Publishers: we have a huge need for secondary-level nonfiction.) Secret Heroes helps fill that gap with
clear, engaging writing and content, whether read as a whole or in parts.
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