Tuesday, November 25, 2008
David Foster Wallace for Christmas
NPR has a list of interesting book recommendations for holiday book buying. A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments by David Foster Wallace caught my eye. Here is what correspondent John McAlley had to say about it:
Despite a staggering intellect and talent that set him apart, the writer David Foster Wallace was by all accounts a determinedly decent and humble everyman. His death this year, at the unbearably young age of 46, was not just an impossible loss to his family and friends, but also to the literary world. For a moment, at least, it felt like the extinguishing of thought itself, and of promise and art and passionate curiosity. For some of us, the only way to salve the sadness was to bathe in Wallace's exuberant writing. Any of his published works would do, but this essential collection of his journalistic pieces — now more than 10 years in print — is particularly alive with laughter and fearless invention. The man burned brightly, and, as gifts go, he gave generously. This season or any other, you couldn't do better than to pass along his flame.
David Foster Wallace broke my heart, over and over again, every time I read his work. One of my favorite books by him was his early work of short fiction, The Girl With Curious Hair. I used to find the book remaindered for next to nothing so I would buy a copy just to give away. He had a way of writing that couldn't help but be honest--he laid bare his hyperactive questioning of everyday existence, and we are a poorer world for losing him.
ReplyDeleteI agree Justin - I loved his essays in particular.